Low cost electronics and electrical appliances power spike safeguard

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Angelo B. Dalaguit


Frequent brownout and blackout can cause power spike hazardous to any electronics and
electrical appliances. This aimed to create electronics gadget that can safeguard electronics
and electrical appliances specifically a refrigerator, freezer, cooler and the like from rush
stream of power or power spike due to brownout and blackout. This model used various
active and passive electronic components. These involved three testing with three trials in
every testing. Testing the temperature, current and voltage were the most important factors to
determine the effectiveness of the device. The input are the information related the
fabrication of the voltage time delay device as to technical requirements in terms of
designing, materials supplies used, and testing. The process included the procedure in
fabricating the voltage time delay device, the preparation of materials, and analysis using the
three testing with three trials to determine the function. Result showed a fluctuation of
voltage, current, and power but is ideal based on the three percent voltage drop in a line. The
mean temperature for the three treatments in all replicate was normal base on the maximum
temperature of the magnetic contactor which is 1000C. Technical requirements in the
fabrication are rectifier circuit, relay circuit and time delay circuit.


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How to Cite
Angelo B. Dalaguit. (2022). Low cost electronics and electrical appliances power spike safeguard. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 11(3), 1444–1456. https://doi.org/10.17762/turcomat.v11i3.12914
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