A Performance Analysis of Wavelet based LTE-OFDM with Multi-equalizers

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Judy Simon et.al


A rapid change in usage of mobile data and mobile based applications such as online gaming, mobile TV etc. motivates the mobile wireless communication system to work on new emerging trends Long Term Evolution (LTE). LTE-4G architecture provides an optimized packet based radio access technology. The basic signal format of LTE is Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) Modulation. This modulation scheme satisfies the spectrum flexibility requirement in LTE. LTE-MIMO-OFDM with IFFT and FFT transform introduced to provide the cost-effective solution for very wide carriers with high PAPR. Inter-symbol Interference (ISI) and inter carrier interference (ICI) are predominant factors which exist in the wireless communication channel. Existing methods of ISI and ICI reduction to improve signal quality have been achieved using conventional OFDM techniques. However, a better modulation scheme is required to achieve high data rate, low latency and flexible bandwidth deployment. This paper has proposed a Wavelet based LTE-MIMO-OFDM modulation scheme with multi equalizer that improves the performance of system by reducing PAPR and BER in MCM. Experimental results show the performance of this scheme and the results is compared with existing MMSE and Multi equalizer MMSE and achieves a flexible spectral efficiency with reduction of PAPR and BER.


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How to Cite
et.al, J. S. (2021). A Performance Analysis of Wavelet based LTE-OFDM with Multi-equalizers. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(6), 108–116. Retrieved from https://turcomat.org/index.php/turkbilmat/article/view/1274
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