Despeckling Algorithms For Removing Noise In Medical Images

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The medical and satellite images are mostly corrupted by a multiplicative granular noise called speckle noise which degrades the quality of the images captured by using medical imaging techniques and also Synthetic Aperture Radar images. It causes difficulties in image interpretation and this is mainly due to back scattered signals from the multiple targets. In medical field, the diagnosis of the tissues, bones and organs takes place by using imaging techniques. By using different imaging techniques, the medical images are captured and used for diagnosis. Different types of filtering techniques are proposed in the literature to remove the speckle noise in medical and satellite images. In this research paper different types of adaptive filters and its modifications are proposed and compared. The filters like modified lee filter, modified Edge Enhanced lee filter, modified fast bilateral filter and Modified Particle Swarm Optimization based despeckling algorithm. The results are verified for both simulated images and real medical images and also for Synthetic Aperture Radar images. The results are compared in terms of both objective and subjective analysis for simulated and real medical images. The simulation is done using MATLAB R2013 and the visual qualities of the images are analyzed for varying noise densities.


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How to Cite, D. (2021). Despeckling Algorithms For Removing Noise In Medical Images. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(6), 87–94. Retrieved from
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