The A ZigBee protocol-based Security and alarm monitoring system at nursing homes

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C. Rathiga,Edna Sweenie J,Prof.K. Prasanna ,Anusha,V. Sujatha


A ZigBee-based security monitoring and alarm system was presented in this
study to reduce nursing home staff responsibilities. This method can keep tabs on five
different aspects of an old person's health, including their urine in bed, their ambulation, their
falling, their posture, and any bathroom accidents. First, the system's overall structure was
explained, and then each function module was examined in further depth. For testing
purposes, Beijing's Sijiqing elderly home put a monitoring system to the test and found it to
be effective.


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How to Cite
C. Rathiga,Edna Sweenie J,Prof.K. Prasanna ,Anusha,V. Sujatha. (2021). The A ZigBee protocol-based Security and alarm monitoring system at nursing homes. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(2), 2515–2525.
Research Articles