Analysis of Bitcoin Prices using Deep Learning Techniques

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P Ravindhar Reddy


Project training - these projects are done for specific subjects without discussing methods that require knowledge and level of technical material. This paper discusses the design and implementation of project training in information technology as a major project that requires student creativity and describes the project clearly and concisely. These projects not only develop basic or technical skills but also practical skills. The goal of the modern student project is to show how trained machine models can predict cryptocurrency security if we allow appropriate levels of information and computing power. The diagram shows the approximate value. Conventional technology is way out of technology that can help people predict future events. With so much data being generated and stored daily, we are finally approaching an age where predictions are made from accurate and accurate data. Besides, with the advent of the digital currency era, more and more leaders have entered the digital investment market. This allows us to create models that can predict cryptocurrencies, especially Bitcoin. This can be done through several types of machine learning methods and in-depth learning and learning methods.


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How to Cite, P. R. R. (2021). Analysis of Bitcoin Prices using Deep Learning Techniques. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(6), 23–27. Retrieved from
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