Current Advances In The Nanofiber (NF) Based Polymer Composites

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Anamika CR


Nanofiber (NF) polymeric composites have received more interest nowadays. The majority of the study focuses on characterizing NF and comparing them to traditional composites in terms of mechanical behavior and usage efficiency. There are different varieties of NFs, each with unique possessions that influence whether or not they are used in particular industrial usage. Because of the natural source of these materials, they have an extensive variety of characteristics that are largely dependent on the gathering position and conditions, assembly it tough to choose the right fiber for precise usage. This study aims to map where every form of fiber was located in numerous assets by providing a detailed analysis of the characteristics of NF employed as composite-based materials reinforcement. Recent research on emerging forms of fibers was also discussed. A bibliometric analysis of NF composite applications is discussed. A future trend analysis of NF applications, as well as the essential innovations to extend their uses were also addressed.


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How to Cite, A. C. (2021). Current Advances In The Nanofiber (NF) Based Polymer Composites. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(6), 07–22. Retrieved from
Research Articles