The Effect of Using Cooperative Learning in the Collection of Curriculum Material and a Book among Second-Year Students - Department of Educational and Psychological Sciences at the University of Basrah

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Dr. Nidhal Issa Abd Al Mudhafar


 The state is concerned with education and its development, and committees are formed to develop educational curricula and teaching methods, and research centers for education, curricula, teaching methods, methods and examinations are established, despite the effort made by the Ministry of Higher Education through the development of curricula to become in a better picture, in interpreting the existing educational philosophy and achieving the planned educational goals. The desired goal, and given that teaching methods are an important component of the curriculum in achieving its goals, but the problem of the existence of traditional teaching methods that are still used in teaching and which have transformed the study materials into mere fragmentary information and facts of no value, and these methods do not fit the nature of the development taking place in the field of Teaching methods, especially the method of teaching curriculum and textbook, as it is the teacher’s tool that he implements, and the learner’s means to increase his ability and capabilities. Given that the researcher had taught a curriculum and a book for previous years, and the students’ achievement was low, she saw an attempt to identify the impact of the use of cooperative learning in teaching a curriculum and a book on the achievement of the students of the second stage of the College of Education for Human Sciences at the University of Basra, and accordingly, the research problem is determined in the following question:

What is the effect of using cooperative learning on the academic achievement of second-year students in the curriculum and textbook material in the Department of Educational and Psychological Sciences at the College of Education for Human Sciences - University of Basra for the academic year 2017/2018?


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How to Cite
Dr. Nidhal Issa Abd Al Mudhafar. (2022). The Effect of Using Cooperative Learning in the Collection of Curriculum Material and a Book among Second-Year Students - Department of Educational and Psychological Sciences at the University of Basrah. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 13(2), 551–568.
Research Articles