The Effect of Spiritual Motivation, Competence, And Leadership on Food Security Performance Through Implementation of Policy at Agriculture and Food Security Department Lingga District, Riau Islands, Indonesia

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Sufahmi,Chablullah Wibisono,Tri Dyah Prastiti, Elli Widia


The success of the work of an agency or organization is said to be good; it cannot be separated
from the results of the performance of its employees or employees who work well. Exemplary
policy implementation is related to employee performance. This study examines the influence of
spiritual motivation, competence, and leadership on food security performance through policy
implementation at the Department of Agriculture and Food Security in Lingga Regency. This
research is quantitative; data collection is done through a survey by distributing questionnaires to
116 people. The analysis method in this study uses the Structural Equation Model (SEM) with
Amos for Windows version 24.0 program. The results showed that spiritual motivation had an
insignificant effect on policy implementation, spiritual motivation had a significant effect on food
security performance, and spiritual motivation had an insignificant effect on food security
performance through policy implementation at the Department of Agriculture and Food Security in
Lingga Regency. Competence has an insignificant effect on policy implementation. Competence
does not significantly affect food security performance, and competence does not significantly
affect food security performance through policy implementation at the Department of Agriculture
and Food Security in Lingga Regency. Leadership has a significant effect on policy
implementation. Leadership has no significant effect on food security performance. Leadership has
no significant effect on food security performance through policy implementation at the
Agriculture and Food Security Department in Lingga Regency. Policy implementation has no
significant effect on food security performance at the Department of Agriculture and Food Security
in Lingga Regency.


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How to Cite
Sufahmi,Chablullah Wibisono,Tri Dyah Prastiti, Elli Widia. (2022). The Effect of Spiritual Motivation, Competence, And Leadership on Food Security Performance Through Implementation of Policy at Agriculture and Food Security Department Lingga District, Riau Islands, Indonesia. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 13(2), 215–225.
Research Articles