Review on Machine Learning Techniques to predict Bipolar Disorder

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Nisha Agnihotri, Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Prasad


Bipolar disorder, a complex disorder in brain has affected many millions of people around the world. This brain disorder is identified by the occurrence of the oscillations of the patient’s changing mood. The mood swing between two states i.e. depression and mania. This is a result of different psychological and physical features. A set of psycholinguistic features like behavioral changes, mood swings and mental illness are observed to provide feedback on health and wellness. The study is an objective measure of identifying the stress level of human brain that could improve the harmful effects associated with it considerably. In the paper, we present the study prediction of symptoms and behavior of a commonly known mental health illness, bipolar disorder using Machine Learning Techniques. Therefore, we extracted data from articles and research papers were studied and analyzed by using statistical analysis tools and machine learning (ML) techniques. Data is visualized to extract and communicate meaningful information from complex datasets on predicting and optimizing various day to day analyses. The study also includes the various research papers having machine Learning algorithms and different classifiers like Decision Trees, Random Forest, Support Vector Machine, Naïve Bayes, Logistic Regression and K- Nearest Neighbor are studied and analyzed for identifying the mental state in a target group. The purpose of the paper is mainly to explore the challenges, adequacy and limitations in detecting the mental health condition using Machine Learning Techniques


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How to Cite
Nisha Agnihotri, Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Prasad. (2022). Review on Machine Learning Techniques to predict Bipolar Disorder. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 13(2), 195–206.
Research Articles