A Study Into The Design Of A Soft-Computing Based Unsupervised Translator That Deals With Ambiguities

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Shatadru Sengupta, Bipasha Biswas, Apratim Mitra, Sk Shahnawaj


A key area of work, and indeed of challenges, in Machine Translation (MT) is dealing with
ambiguity. While in MT we aim to reduce the gap between human perception and machine
solution, we have repeatedly failed to show perfect results regarding this, and we continue to
failing getting human like translations from our machines. This conceptual paper reviews a few
of the commonly faced problems in ambiguity resolution when translating from English to
Bengali and vice versa, and, on the basis of this, aims to propose a soft-computing based method
in designing an English to Bengali and vice versa translator which may yield better results in the
future. The implementation and hence the corresponding analytical studies thereafter are left as
future work.


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How to Cite
Shatadru Sengupta, Bipasha Biswas, Apratim Mitra, Sk Shahnawaj. (2022). A Study Into The Design Of A Soft-Computing Based Unsupervised Translator That Deals With Ambiguities. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 11(3), 1913–1918. https://doi.org/10.17762/turcomat.v11i3.11907
Research Articles