A Study of CPU Scheduling Techniques in Comparison

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Pinaki Pratim Acharjya, Santanu Koley, Subhabrata Barman, Rajesh Mukherjee


Due to the requirement to alter and test operating system kernel code and assess the resulting
performance on a consistent workload of real applications, developing CPU scheduling
methods and understanding their impact in practice can be challenging and time consuming.
Because the processor is such a valuable resource, CPU scheduling is critical for achieving
the operating system (OS) design goals. The goal should be to keep as many processes active
as possible at all times in order to get the most out of the CPU. The primary goal of CPU
scheduling is to improve the computer's performance. The amount of time spent waiting has a
significant impact on the performance and execution time of a computer system. It's much
easier to grasp what's going on inside the system with this representation, and why a different
collection of processes is a candidate for CPU allocation at different periods. The study's goal
is to examine the highly efficient CPU scheduler's impact on the design of high-quality
scheduling algorithms that meet the scheduling goals. It is mostly focused on reducing
waiting times and turn-around times in order to improve a computer system's level of
performance. Many CPU scheduling methods exist, however due to high context switch rates,
long waiting times, long response times, long turnaround times, and low throughput; they
cannot be applied in real-time operating systems.


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How to Cite
Pinaki Pratim Acharjya, Santanu Koley, Subhabrata Barman, Rajesh Mukherjee. (2022). A Study of CPU Scheduling Techniques in Comparison. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 11(2), 896–905. https://doi.org/10.17762/turcomat.v11i2.11884
Research Articles