Creative Service Values in Thailand 4.0 financeIndustry

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AmmaraPhakdeeburi, Prin Laksitamas


This article aimed to study the Creative Service Values in Thailand 4.0 financeIndustry. The
objectiveswere to explore the relationshipbetween E-service quality, E-trust, E-satisfaction,
Relationship strength, and significant impact on E-Loyalty.The survey instrument comprised
29 statementsand the data was collected from 210samples ofretailing bank customers.The
data analysis was to employ exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis and
structural equation modeling (SEM). The findings of the study E- service quality
presenteddirect positive relationship with E-trust, E-satisfaction, Relationship strength and Eloyalty.
Mediating effect of E-trust, relationship strength through the bank E-service quality
had a significant impact on E-Loyalty whileE-satisfaction did not illustrate any impact on Eloyalty.
The “information availability” dimension of E-service quality was related to E-trust,
E-satisfaction and relationship strength.The suggestions of this study were listed as: 1) the
banks should develop strong relationships with customers; 2) information availability and
ease of use can develop trust in the online service; and 3) relationship building and e-loyalty
have a remarkable represent different attitude with different customers. Therefore, it is
obvious demonstrated that online service quality is not a sufficient means of building strong
relationships and retaining customers.


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How to Cite
AmmaraPhakdeeburi, Prin Laksitamas. (2021). Creative Service Values in Thailand 4.0 financeIndustry. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(14), 5872–5884.
Research Articles