Internet of Things Based Smart Woman Security System using GSM and GPS

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Dr. S. Sreenath Kashyap, Dr. Vipul M Dabhi, Manu Koushik M, Prashanthi, A. Ruchitha


This Project presents an automotive localization system using GPS and GSM-SMS
services and alerts over IOT for woman security. The system permits localization of the woman
and transmitting the position to the rescue team as a short message (SMS) and over Internet. The
system can be interconnected with the car alarm system and alert the surrounding people to help
woman. This security tracking system is composed of a GPS receiver, Microcontroller, and a GSM
Modem and IOT module. When woman need help that time, she will press security alert switch
then GPS Receiver gets the location information from satellites in the form of latitude and
longitude with alert through IOT. The Microcontroller processes this information, and this
processed information is sent to the certain person using GSM modem. The presented application
is a low-cost solution for woman in risk. The proposed solution can be used in other types of
application like child security, woman security, where the information needed is requested rarely
and at irregular period of time (when requested).


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How to Cite
Dr. S. Sreenath Kashyap, Dr. Vipul M Dabhi, Manu Koushik M, Prashanthi, A. Ruchitha. (2021). Internet of Things Based Smart Woman Security System using GSM and GPS. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(8), 3231–3238.
Research Articles