Analysis of the dimensions of the criminal policy of the Iranian criminal law system with emphasis on the third grade textbooks

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Dr. Sepideh Sehat


Since one of the goals of criminal policy is to control or reduce crime, criminal policy employs criminal law in order to achieve this goal, and since the policies, priorities and frameworks of criminal law are delineated criminal policy. The type of criminal policy model can have a significant impact on a country's criminal law, and if it is not an exaggeration, it should be said that criminal law is born of the criminal policy model and it goes without saying that criminal policy designers and developers cannot value values, principles Be ignorant of the ideology and ideological foundations of their political system.


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How to Cite
Dr. Sepideh Sehat. (2021). Analysis of the dimensions of the criminal policy of the Iranian criminal law system with emphasis on the third grade textbooks. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(13), 7881 –.
Research Articles