A Critical Study for Managing Applications Efficiently Using Load BalancingApproach In context with Cloud ComputingEnvironment

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Shashikant Raghunathrao Deshmukh, Dr. S.K Yadav, Dr. D.N Kyatanvar


The process of distribution of workloads as well as computational resource(s) in a cloud computing environment
is known as cloud load balancing. Load balancing assists businesses to accomplishrequests or
assignmentburdens by distributingavailable resources through numerous systems, networks, or servers. The
crucial objective of load harmonising is to keep any single server from becoming burdened and probably failing.
In supplementary arguments, load balancing increases provision convenience and aids in the prevention of
outages. Load balancing is well-defined as the systematic and well-organizeddissemination of network(s) or
application(s)loadthroughseveral servers in the server farm. Every load balancers presence among client devices
and background servers. Various incoming requests are received and later distributedsame to
whicheverobtainable server having capability of accomplishing them.Different categories of load balancing
algorithms in cloud computing such as static algorithms, dynamic algorithms, round-robin algorithms, weighted
round robin load balancing algorithms, opportunistic load balancing algorithms, min to min load balancing
algorithms, max to min load balancing algorithms.


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How to Cite
Shashikant Raghunathrao Deshmukh, Dr. S.K Yadav, Dr. D.N Kyatanvar. (2021). A Critical Study for Managing Applications Efficiently Using Load BalancingApproach In context with Cloud ComputingEnvironment. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 11(3), 1488–1499. https://doi.org/10.17762/turcomat.v11i3.11085
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