Various Segmentation Techniques for Lung Cancer Detection using CT Images: A Review

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J. Vijayaraj, et. al.


Computed Tomography (CT) is far and wide utilized to make a diagnosis and access thoracic diseases. The enhanced resolution of CT examination has resulted in a considerable investigation of statistics for analysis. Computerizing the scrutiny of such facts is consequently necessitate and fashioned a hastily emergent research region in medical imaging. The finding of thoracic diseases by means of image processing directs to a pre- processing step identified as “Lung segmentation” which portrays a wide range of techniques starts with simple Thresholding and numerous image processing elements are incorporated to progress segmentation, precision and heftiness. In image processing, techniques like image pre-processing, segmentation and feature extraction have been thrashed out in detail. This paper suggestions investigation of literature on computer examination of the lungs in CT scans and statements the Preprocessing ideas, segmentation of a choice of pulmonary arrangements, and Feature Extraction intended at recognition and categorization of chest abnormalities. As well as, research developments and disputes are recognized and instructions for further examinations are discussed.


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How to Cite
et. al., J. V. . (2021). Various Segmentation Techniques for Lung Cancer Detection using CT Images: A Review. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(2), 918–928. Retrieved from
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