LibraryOperation during COVID-19 Pandemic

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Rutuparna Biswal, Sibsankar Jana


A library is considered as the 'heart' of an educational institution and it is the
centre of learning for primary to higher education system. Due to the COVID-19
pandemic, the library operation has been restrained due to safety issues of the users and
library staffs. A questionnaire survey was carried out using Google Form virtual platform
from the top administrators of the libraries spread over India. Around 138 responses were
received during the survey. The survey data were collected in Google spreadsheet and
stored in MS Excel platform for further analysis.
The normal precaution measures such as social distancing, using sanitizer and face mask
etc. need to be followed during library operation. The use of face shield, head cover, PPE
kit etc. may be provided for the front desk and security personnel. The return books
should be sanitized through isolation, UVC box technique, and home delivery system
may be used during the pandemic.
The vast virtual resources and online classes etc. should be explored and may be
channelized to the users through libraries. The remote access of library and other
resources login password, remoteXs service, IP authentication etc. may be allowed to
users for reducing frequent visit to the library. The virtual resources can also be created at
the library by the faculty members of the university for their students and users. Online
examination and evaluation may be promoted by the libraries during the pandemic
situation.The library floor design may be revised to maintain space between the users
using mobile reading table with acrylic separation bars, acrylic sneeze
guards, desk separators, front desk barriers, cough screens etc. in the library.


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How to Cite
Rutuparna Biswal, Sibsankar Jana. (2021). LibraryOperation during COVID-19 Pandemic. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(14), 3311–3323.
Research Articles