Chicken Swarm Optimization based PV-STATCOM for Power Compensation in Hybrid PV/WT System

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K. Sudarsan, et. al.


Today’s the Energy changes like air contamination and a dangerous atmospheric deviation are increases. To direct these troubles the sustainable power sources are presented. PV ranch generate power throughout daytime and totally latent for the period of nighttime. During daytime the inverter is used for authentic power creation and for the period of night-time it is used to satisfy the need. For the examination of PV-STATCOM it is anticipated with calculation, such as The CSO calculation is utilized to accomplish the organize of parameters like voltage, current, and Powers. The Control Strategies are endorsed through MATLAB/Simulink Platform So as to assess the convenience of the projected strategy, this is contrasted with the possible technique like PSO method.


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How to Cite
et. al., K. S. . (2021). Chicken Swarm Optimization based PV-STATCOM for Power Compensation in Hybrid PV/WT System. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(2), 795–801. Retrieved from
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