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Ravi Prakash, Dr. Somesh Kumar


Over the last few decades, growth in Information Technology field has been very rapid and the
various Information Technology-dependent applications are also evolving very dramatically.
Web learning and teaching might be one of the common Information Technology applications.
The study's major purpose is to investigate and then compare several web-based e-learning
systems.We are willing to include some recommendations about shortcomings that have been
found based on empirical, comparative studies of such different frameworks. In order to create
successful changes to the smart web e-learning frameworks structure to provide social
dimensions of online classrooms, we therefore emphasize a few of the research challenges as
well as design problems which have been pursued.


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How to Cite
Ravi Prakash, Dr. Somesh Kumar. (2021). E-LEARNING FRAMEWORK FOR SEMANTIC-WEB. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(14), 2994–3006. https://doi.org/10.17762/turcomat.v12i14.10852
Research Articles