PID Controller optimization using Metahuristic Controller with Different Nonlinearities

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G. Sundari, et. al.


This paper mainly explains the application of Metaherustic controller for tuning the parameter of PID controller. The minimization of error function has been done by improving the static and dynamic performances of the system like steady state error, Peak Overshoot, and Settling Time. This could be possible by means of applying metaherustic controller like GA in tuning the PID controllers under different Nonlinearities. The main intention of this paper is to support the specifications of PID controller at various Nonlinearities such as sinusoidal and saw tooth noise. The projected scheme derives the wonderful closed-loop response of second order system and then, it provides the effectiveness of the proposed method compared to the conventional methods.


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How to Cite
et. al., G. S. . (2021). PID Controller optimization using Metahuristic Controller with Different Nonlinearities. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(2), 764–771. Retrieved from
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