COVID-19 And Higher Education: Effects On The Training Of Panamanian Teachers

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Miguel Ángel Esbrí, Rosa Elena Durán, Migdalia Bustamante, Ana Mercedes Álvarez de Barrios, Virgílio Sousa Valdés, José Félix Prado


The last few months have been totally disruptive for teaching in Panama - and around the
world. The response of the Panamanian public system - and of the states - has been
dysfunctional and surprising at first and calmer as the months have passed, but this has led
to learning what teachers should be like in the future for the new educational system that is
coming, according to understanding of the lessons learned this will be the State's response ,
so 'before we give a definite opinion about education that we think is preferable, we should
have some idea of the kind of person we want to produce'. In essence we ask ourselves
whether teachers should continue to promote dual intellectual and character education in
our students and use new technologies as one more tool, that is, a very useful tool (virtual
platforms, videoconferencing programs, etc.) or on the contrary new technologies are
already an essential part of teaching and are not a more useful tool, so all our students and
all our teachers must be technological.


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How to Cite
Miguel Ángel Esbrí, Rosa Elena Durán, Migdalia Bustamante, Ana Mercedes Álvarez de Barrios, Virgílio Sousa Valdés, José Félix Prado. (2021). COVID-19 And Higher Education: Effects On The Training Of Panamanian Teachers. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(3), 5809–5817.
Research Articles