Current State of Geography: A Review for Educational Institutions in Choco, Colombia

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Jacksson Yamil Montoya Asprilla, Víctor Leonardo Nossa Aranguren


A documentary review of the current state of Geography as a subject matter taught in Social
Sciences programs in Chocó, Colombia is carried out in order to measure its impact and relevance
in the academic training of professionals in areas related to the Social Sciences. In the same way, it
was measured by means of a survey applied to 73 professionals related to this area of knowledge in
the department of Chocó, the perceived importance in the execution of subject plans related to
Geography in the region, highlighting as main results that 46.6% of respondents are graduates in
Social Sciences, 42.5% do not apply the teaching of Geography within the academic content, 28%
of respondents work in primary and secondary basic education centers. With the purpose of making
a diagnosis regarding the production of scientific documents by the identified academic community,
the following findings are obtained: 80.8% do not belong to any research group dedicated to the line
of Geography in Chocó, 86.3% have not published scientific papers related to the study of
Geography or teaching in this specific area. However, the respondents express the importance and
impact of the study of Geography within the academic plans, since 60.3% of the professionals
surveyed said that it is very important to manage academic resources to update knowledge about the
geographical situation of the region. In this way, an exhaustive search through specialized databases
such as Scopus determined the need to encourage research and dissemination of scientific findings
concerning Geography as a subject matter within the different levels of training in the department of


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How to Cite
Jacksson Yamil Montoya Asprilla, Víctor Leonardo Nossa Aranguren. (2021). Current State of Geography: A Review for Educational Institutions in Choco, Colombia. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(14), 2327–2339.
Research Articles