A Novel Approach for Solving Non-Linear Equation

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Noorzaman Bawari


The primary objective of this research is to discover the ideal way to solve the non-linear equation using
iterative methods. This article examines and highlights the four iterative methods to dealing with non-linear
equations. As a consequence of this approach, the pace of convergence between first-degree iterative
procedures is explained. The graphical development is then built up utilizing the four iterative methods and
the outcomes are evaluated using different functionalities. An example of the algebraic equation is presented
to compare the approximation inaccuracy among the methods. In addition, two examples of algebraic and
transcendental equations are utilized to verify both the optimum method and the extent of the visibly
presented errors.


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How to Cite
Noorzaman Bawari. (2021). A Novel Approach for Solving Non-Linear Equation. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 11(3), 1257–1272. https://doi.org/10.17762/turcomat.v11i3.10558
Research Articles