Role of Monitoring Service Level Agreement for Quality Enhancement over Cloud Computing Environment

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Abel Adane Changare, Azath M., Yitayish Lema, Amin Tuni Gure


Several researches and case studies have been revealing a repetitive issue and that is
monopolization of controlling, measuring, and metering of the consumer’s billing for the consumed
Cloud Services. The Cloud Service Providers (CSPs) have been hiding, or monopolizing the
controlling, metering tools and ignoring the calculation and consideration of the service defects like
downtime, service outage, poor performance and client service migration delays during overloads of
the servers. The main issues behind these discrepancies are the Service Level Agreement (SLA), its
violation, and the monopolized Cloud Governance. Till now there is a lack of parallel monitoring and
metering system of the consumed cloud services at the customer level under the provisions of SLAs.
The Cloud Governance Tier has not given any flexibility or utility to monitor such consumed cloud
services at the client tier in parallel to the CSP tier. This research is an effort to develop a SLA
controlling/monitoring framework to solve the identified problems other than the CSP level. Further
the E_Draw max was used for designing the framework. The framework consists of the components
like; SLA_CSP, SLA_CSC, SLA_M&C and Cloud Services and Delivery Models. After designing
the framework, a prototype was developed using CloudSim on java net beans, and MySQL database.
This prototype was implemented using four scenarios to evaluate its performance and the
functionalities. 1) Checking the SLA under CSP whether the resources to the consumer in the same
manner with promised. 2) To check if the request from cloud consumer is less than what is expected
in SLA. 3) To check by increasing the request of cloud consumer more than what is expected in SLA
and 4) Using the SLA_M&C mechanism. After execution it was observed that, in the first and the
second cases there is no violation, but there is violation in the third and fourth cases. This implied that
there are chances of the discrepancies in resources provided to make the selves beneficiary beyond
SLA under CSP and Cloud Service Consumer (CSC) was discriminated while receiving services from


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How to Cite
Abel Adane Changare, Azath M., Yitayish Lema, Amin Tuni Gure. (2021). Role of Monitoring Service Level Agreement for Quality Enhancement over Cloud Computing Environment. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(14), 1554–1565.
Research Articles