Design and Development of Room Limit Counter for The Use of Social -Physical Distancing

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Nora Fasihah Omar Ali, Muhd Nur Firdaus Dolhan, Liyana Husnaa Azmi, Rafiza Abdul Razak, Chee Ken Nee


Counter system is one of the revolutionary systems created nowadays that has multiple uses in our daily lives. One of
it is the Parking Guidance System and it uses a counter system that counts the number of cars entering and exiting a parking
basement or spaces which makes it easier for other customers to look for other parking spaces when the counter system notifies
other customers that the space is full. Following the concept of a counter system, we came up with an invention of a Room Limit
Counter. It is a prototype using an Arduino to create a counter system at a cheap price. The reason that we created this project is
because of the pandemic that is still in play throughout our daily lives which causes us in need of physical distancing and
becomes one of the compulsory etiquettes when we are in a crowded and confined place with crowded people. Therefore, the
needs of this product are beneficial as it is the new norm for our daily lives.


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How to Cite
Nora Fasihah Omar Ali, Muhd Nur Firdaus Dolhan, Liyana Husnaa Azmi, Rafiza Abdul Razak, Chee Ken Nee. (2021). Design and Development of Room Limit Counter for The Use of Social -Physical Distancing. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(14), 1123–1137.
Research Articles