Measuring the Interaction among Jordanians via Facebook Network "AProposed Model for Bridging the E-Interaction Gaps “IN Model” "

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Prof. Iyad A. Al-Nsour


The study consisted of two theoretical and operational objectives. The theoretical
goal aimed to design a model for measuring online interaction via Facebook. The
practical objective is aimed at using the proposed model to measure the interaction of Jordanian
users with community issues. The proposed model has two dimensions: technical and behavioral
interactions. It is named IN Model. The technical interaction consists of four sub-components:
privacy, language, username, and way of access. The second dimension consists of five subcomponents
are the participation, the purpose of the interaction, the expression of participation,
the emotions of interaction, and the source of interaction. Applying the proposed model on a
sample of Jordanian users. The study is made up of all 5.5 million users of Facebook in Jordan
who are active. The application of the model has concluded important results about how the
online interaction among Facebook users. The level of interaction via Facebook is strong,
while the interaction with community issues is moderate. A statistical impact of sex and age on
technical interaction was proved, and the impact of education and age on behavioral
interaction was proved as well. Finally, the study suggests a set of implications for better use to
the proposed model in communication and marketing fields.


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How to Cite
Prof. Iyad A. Al-Nsour. (2021). Measuring the Interaction among Jordanians via Facebook Network "AProposed Model for Bridging the E-Interaction Gaps “IN Model” ". Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(14), 1078–1101.
Research Articles