Paraphrasing Chinese Idioms: Paraphrase Acquisition, Rewording and Scoring

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Jia Jun, Dong


Paraphrasing is a process to restate the meaning of a text or a passage using different words in the same language to give a clearer understanding of the original sentence to the readers. Paraphrasing is important in many natural language processing tasks such as plagiarism detection, information retrieval, and machine translation. In this article, we describe our work in paraphrasing Chinese idioms by using the definitions from dictionaries. The definitions of the idioms will be reworded and then scored to find the best paraphrase candidates to be used for the given context. With the proposed approach to paraphrase Chinse idioms in sentences, the BLEU was 75.69%, compared to the baseline approach that was 66.34%.


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How to Cite, J. J. D. (2021). Paraphrasing Chinese Idioms: Paraphrase Acquisition, Rewording and Scoring. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(3), 1999–2005. Retrieved from
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