FPGA Implementation of Efficient VLSI Architecture of DLMS Adaptive Filter Algorithm

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Gangadharaiah.S. L, Narayanappa C K, Nuthan Prasad V, Divya M. N,Anirudha Rao


In this Paper, an efficient implementation of the direct form of the least mean square (LMS) adaptive filter
algorithm is proposed. The conventional multiplier hinders the speed of the delayed LMS (DLMS) algorithm;
hence latest high speed Vedic Multiplier is used for its high convergence rate, further, the Vedic Multiplier is
explored for reducing the number of logic levels and timing levels, and possible reduction in logic delay. The
efficient adders are used in digital signal processing applications to reduce the power requirement, area and
delay. Vedic Multiplier and different adders (such as carry-increment, carry-look ahead, carry-select, ripplecarry
and carry-skip adder) used to implement the DLMS algorithm are compared (a) with ripple-carry adder
and vedic multiplier, (b) with vedic multiplier and carry-look ahead adder, (c) with Vedic multiplier and carryskip
adder, (d) with Vedic multiplier and carry-increment adder, with (e) Vedic multiplier and carry-select
adder based on their delay. Xilinx ISE is used for simulation and synthesis of the design with Spartan-6 FPGA,


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How to Cite
Gangadharaiah.S. L, Narayanappa C K, Nuthan Prasad V, Divya M. N,Anirudha Rao. (2021). FPGA Implementation of Efficient VLSI Architecture of DLMS Adaptive Filter Algorithm. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(14), 478–489. https://doi.org/10.17762/turcomat.v12i14.10310
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