Car Surveillance Video Summarization Based On Car Plate Detection

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Nouria Kaream Khoorshed, et. al.


Today, video is a common medium for sharing information. Navigating the internet to download a certain form of video, it takes a long time, a lot of bandwidth, and a lot of disk space. Since sending video over the internet is too costly, therefore video summarization has become a critical technology. Monitoring vehicles of people from a security and traffic perspective is a major issue. This monitoring depends on the identification of the license plate of vehicles. The proposed system includes training and testing stages. Training stage comprises: video preprocessing, Viola-Jones training, and Support Vector Machine (SVM) optimization. Testing stage contains: test video preprocessing, car plate (detection, cropping, resizing, and grouping detecting test car plate, feature extraction using HOG feature. The total time of local recorded videos is (19.5 minutes), (15.5 minutes) for training, and (4 minutes) for testing. This means, (79.5%) for training and (20.5%) for testing. The proposed video summarization has got maximum accuracy of (86%) by using Viola-Jones and SVM by reducing the number of original video frames from (7077) frames to (1200) frames. The accuracy of the Viola-Jones object detection process for training 700 images is (97%). The accuracy of the SVM classifier is (99.6%).


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How to Cite
et. al., N. K. K. . (2021). Car Surveillance Video Summarization Based On Car Plate Detection. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(6), 1132–1144. Retrieved from
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