Cross - Language based Multi-Document Summarization Model using Machine Learning Technique

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Ms. P. Mahalakshmi


Cross-Language Multi-document summarization (CLMDS) process produces a summary generated from multiple documents in which the summary language is different from the source document language. The CLMDS model allows the user to provide query in a particular language (e.g., Tamil) and generates a summary in the same language from different language source documents. The proposed model enables the user to provide a query in Tamil language, generate a summary from multiple English documents, and finally translate the summary into Tamil language. The proposed model makes use of naïve Bayes classifier (NBC) model for the CLMDS. An extensive set of experimentation analysis was performed and the results are investigated under distinct aspects. The resultant experimental values ensured the supremacy of the presented CLMDS model.


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How to Cite, M. P. M. (2021). Cross - Language based Multi-Document Summarization Model using Machine Learning Technique. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(6), 331–335. Retrieved from
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