The Opportunity of Implementation STEM Education Integrated with Language Teaching in Indonesian Elementary Schools

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Ferril Irham Muzaki


Education in Indonesia currently requires sufficient performance to improve abilities and skills in
conducting critical discourse. To improve the ability, the performance of the community is
needed to develop the characteristic values of each individual. With STEM Education in
elementary schools, the existence of an education system that provides opportunities for the
creation of humane learning and has character education values. The development of STEMbased
character education values in elementary schools will be synchronized along with the
development of information and communication technology which provides opportunities to
develop character education values and nationalist insights. To develop this, STEM Education in
elementary schools requires efforts to improve the skills and proficiency of an individual in
terms of developing interests and identity. STEM Education can be taught in elementary schools
in Indonesia, on extra-curricular materials such as robotics.


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How to Cite
Ferril Irham Muzaki. (2021). The Opportunity of Implementation STEM Education Integrated with Language Teaching in Indonesian Elementary Schools. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(14), 1994–1999.